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Best Amazon gifts for new moms in 2020
Buying gifts for new moms (that she’ll love) just got easier! This gift guide of pampering mom gifts can help!
We all know that babies are easy and fun to shop for.
There are endless aisles of easy-to find gift options… adorable outfits, even more adorable shoes, adorable toys, adorable accessories… the possibilities never cease to amaze me! Like this adorable holiday baby outfit!
Combine the baby aisle with an exuberant new grandparent or enthusiastic family member, and you have instant holiday gift success!
However, shopping for a new mommy gift is not so easy!
Clothes are often out of the question, because who knows what size she is?!! (and it is better NOT to ask!).
New mamas can’t spend as much time with their usual favorite hobbies and they can be a bit consumed by their new family addition that they put themselves on the backburner for a while.
If you are a new mama, click here for great tips for how to prioritize self care during the postpartum stage!
So what do you buy for new moms (and dads) who have a newborn over the holidays?
In this post, I’m going to give you some unique ideas for gifts for new moms after birth that you can easily buy on Amazon!
Before you reach for the gift card kiosk or a case of diapers, check out this list of these 12 pampering gift ideas for new moms.
For practical, DIY gift ideas, check out this post of very practical new mom gifts and DIY holiday gift ideas, too!
12 Pampering holiday gifts for new moms (that aren’t for baby!)
If you are looking for trendy gifts for new moms, check out this holiday new mom gift guide.
I have included gifts to pamper the new mom as well as those to delight and absolutely spoil her!
The best part… your holiday gift shopping couldn’t be any easier this year as these smart new mom gift ideas are all available on Amazon.
Happy shopping!
1. Bath Salts + Accessories
Get the new mama these amazing pampering bath-salts!
These bath salts are made from sea salt from the Dead Sea. If you don’t know about this special therapeutic salt, it is one of the best natural healing remedies on the planet!
Not only are bath salts ideal for sitz baths for postpartum healing, they also provide much-needed relaxation to the new mother.
Lack of sleep, newborn feeding schedules, hormonal changes and holiday stress can catch up to a new mom.
There is nothing quite like a warm soaking therapeutic bath to calm the stress! These bath salts are great for full-body soaks or relaxing foot soaks.
Throw in a natural, eco-friendly loofa sponge and a bar of lavender soap and the gift is complete!
If you would prefer, DIY your own lavender bath salts with these easy how-to instructions!
2. Beautiful Bathrobe
I never was able to justify the expense of buying a robe, but when I was gifted one after the birth of my son, I can’t imagine breastfeeding without it!
Not only are these soft bathrobes extremely comfortable, but they will make her postpartum body feel elegant and beautiful. If she is a breastfeeding mama, this easy-opening bathrobe makes nursing a breeze, too!
I love this beautiful soft bathrobe that has over 30 different colors and designs to choose from!
3. Glass Water Bottle with Fruit Infuser
New moms drink lots of water and nursing moms drink even more water!
Give her an easy and portable way to add some healthy flavor to her water with this glass fruit-infuser water bottle. She will love this bottle and fruit press all in one!
It’s the ultimate pampering gift idea for new moms! She’ll get more vitamin C into her diet by infusing her drinking water with natural fruit juice. It couldn’t be a more brilliant idea!
4. Video Doorbell
Consider surprising the new mom with this amazing video doorbell gift idea for new parents!
There is nothing worse than having a sleeping or breastfeeding baby in your arms wondering if that knock on your door is a family member or just another delivery person.
Most video doorbells connect to a smart phone and/or smart home speakers and allow for homeowners to check who is at the door from the comfort of their couch… or bed… or rocking chair… or wherever you end up holding a sleeping baby!
Installation is simple and this gift is perfect for moms and dads who already have embraced smart devices in their home. Check out this highly rated video doorbell.
5. Chunky Cardigan + Breastfeeding Tank
Similar to the robe, a chunky cardigan is a comfortable go-to for so many new moms! I absolutely love this chunky knit cardigan with pockets!
Not only are these cardigans stylish and trendy right now, but they are EXTREMEMLY comfortable and practical for a new mom.
A baggie cardigan provides breastfeeding coverage at home and in public. This chunky fabric helps conceal some curves that haven’t flattened yet and allows easy access for nursing moms to breastfeed discreetly.
Most women prefer them to run a bit large, which makes it much easier when shopping for sizes! She can pair it with this cute breastfeeding shirt or tank for a great casual and put-together look!
6. Wrist Watch
Feeding schedules, nap schedules, diaper changing schedules, overnight sleep schedules, meal delivery tracking… the amount of time-related math that new parents do is actually slightly ridiculous and can get pretty complicated!
Get the new mom on your holiday gift list this pretty water-resistant watch to make the time-tracking more enjoyable!
A water-resistant watch is pretty necessary for new moms, as their world is full of spills, leaks and drips!
7. Wool Socks
New moms stay home more often than not, especially in the winter. Keep her stocking feet cozy indoors or if she ventures outside to run a few errands or visit the pediatrician.
There are so many cute options for socks out there, but I would opt for this great set of cozy wool socks that come in five neutral colors to go with all her outfits!
8. Slip-On Rain Boots
Hands-down my favorite addition to my new mommy-wardrobe is this pair of slip-on rain boots.
They are great for rain, as well as outings with babies that require carrying a car-seat across a parking lot full of snow and ice. Best of all, she won’t have to bend over or put down baby to pull the boots on or to take them off!
With car-seat and diaper bag in hand, she can slip her feet into the boots and be on her way!
These adorable and durable boots come in a variety of colors, can be worn all four seasons, AND will last a long time… well into the future years of muddy puddle jumping and playdates at the playground!
9. Family Birthday/Anniversary Reminder Wall Hanging
Sometimes phone calendars just don’t cut it and this decorative wall-calendar helps keep track of special family occasions. We absolutely love our family calendar reminder board!
As the family grows, inspire the birth of a sweet tradition of adding each loved one’s birthday, anniversary and other special events onto this adorable customizable decoration!
Simply add the name and the number (date) to each small token and watch the chains of life event under each month grow over time!
10. Turkish Towels
My family uses these towels for SO MANY THINGS!
We keep several in our vehicle, and even more all over our house! These are super absorbent, but also super lightweight, fold up to take up minimal space, and are just gorgeous!
We use them at the beach, as throw blankets on the couch, as baby swaddles and after showering or bath time. We have even used them as a warm shawl for a Halloween costume!
The new mom on your gift list will love how cute and practical these great, space-saving and fast-drying Turkish towels are! There are so many colors and sizes to choose from, but I personally am in love with this one.
11. Coffee Accessories
For the new mom who loves her caffeine (and who perhaps suffered a bit with less of it these past nine months), add to her mug collection with this funny chaos-coordinator mug or perhaps this trendy handmade stoneware mug.
Add this customized coffee bar placemat to place under her Keurig or French press and you have been a part of her sweet journey back into daily caffeinated bliss!
We bought this cute little Keurig last year and it is amazing! I highly recommend this for any new mom (or dad) who appreciates a hot cup of coffee right now!
12. Bullet Journal Kit
Bullet journaling is a combination of planning, goals tracking, health and wellness documenting, and standard journaling… and it is absolutely fantastic for new moms trying to keep track of so many moving parts.
If she is a crafty, DIY-type of person but doesn’t have tons of time right now to do major projects, bullet journaling is a great way for her to immerse herself in a small project that also serves an immediate purpose!
She can use it to track baby sleep schedules, meal planning, self-care routines, fitness goals and her day-to-day tasks and schedule!
I recommend this great bullet journal kit because it includes all that she will need to get started!
Holiday gifts for new moms that aren’t for the baby!
Christmas is right around the corner and online gift shopping has never been more popular!
Hopefully this new mom online gift guide will provide the necessary inspiration to give the new mom in your life something fun and special this holiday season.
Give her a present that is just for her and helps her to remember that her identity isn’t (entirely) wrapped up in her little bundle of joy!
DIY gifts for new moms
For more practical ideas or DIY gifts for new moms, click here to see this great list of very practical and DIY gift ideas for the new mom in your life.
Have a beautiful holiday season and have a very Merry Christmas!