Newborn Care

Why You Need a Postpartum Plan and How to Make One!

Why You Need a Postpartum Plan

As a postpartum doula, I meet a lot of new moms who wish that they had been better prepared for life after baby’s birth. Many expectant parents spend most of their preparation time planning for childbirth and getting the nursery ready, but few parents really “get” the need to prepare for postpartum recovery. When you create a postpartum plan, you give yourself permission to rest and allow others to help you. Not only that, but you PLAN for that help!

Benefits of breastfeeding

Why Breastfeeding Moms Have Super Powers!

There are many great benefits of breastfeeding. You probably already know this. However, do you really understand the miraculous SUPER POWERS that breastfeeding moms actually have?  Yes!  Breastfeeding moms have amazing super powers! Okay, yes… ALL moms really have super powers, but we are going to focus on our breastfeeding super powers in this post…. …

Why Breastfeeding Moms Have Super Powers! Read More »